Submit Font

Our website has a new font submission feature. Nevertheless, we do not have a front-end consumer submission system yet. Rather than automating our process, we, on the other hand, undertake each submission in person to confirm quality.

Here’s a detailed guide on how to submit your font:

Complete the Submission Form: The first thing to do is fill out the application form that is posted on the website. This form will include several sections that require you to input the information about the font you are about to submit.

Ownership Confirmation: You must make sure that you own the font you are submitting. We strictly abide by copyright laws and only accept submissions from the original creators.

Font Type: Please provide whether the font is freely available or commercial. If it is a commercial font, you can also include a link to the license.

Upload to Google Drive or Dropbox: With the information and files in place, it is now time to upload your font to Google Drive or Dropbox. This must include the font files, a cover image, preview images, and the license agreement.

Wait for Publication: After you’ve uploaded your font, we’ll need about 48 hours to add it to our website. We review each submission manually to maintain the high quality of our fonts.

Contact Us: If you have any questions or concerns about this process, please do not hesitate to contact us by filling out the Contact Us form on our site.

    License Information

    Font File Types