Santorini is a beautiful and luxury signature font by PeachCreme. This font is designed for Branding purposes. It is perfect for luxury and elegance logo designs.
To keep the handwritten style, I created 106 ligatures (which you can see in the presentation images). When designing this font it was important that each letter was linked to the other letters. For example, the letter “a” should transit fluently with “l” and “n” and with any other letter. This requirement meant we had to begin and end all the letters at some specific points that is why the ligatures were important. Santorini includes the following ligatures:
ab ad ah ak al an and ant ar at att bb bl ca cc cd ce ch ck co db dd de dl dt ea eb ed el em en end nt er es est et eth ett ex ey ez ff fi fo gh ght gt he ht ia ic id idd ie il ilt in ir is it itt in kk la le ll mm na ne ng nn ns nt oa of oh oi ol on ont oo or os ot ott ou ow ph pp rr sa sh ss st th tt ub ue un unt ur ut utt wh zz
Santorini also has all the uppercase and lowercase letters, multilingual symbols, numerals and punctuation. The font has a smooth wet ink texture, so it will be suitable for any kind of printing methods+it is suitable for embroidery, laser cut, gold foil etc.
What’s Included
- Santorini OTF
- Santorini TTF
- Santorini WOFF